Visiting the camp between chapters

A very important aspect of Fire Emblem/TearRing Saga that appeals me and my friends are the character relations. Who is going to marry who, why is this guy close to this girl, are they just friends or lovers, can they become lovers, are they childhood friends, etc. etc. I always found that the GBA Fire … Continue reading Visiting the camp between chapters

Just close the door: Seizing castle shouldn’t be this easy.

When I first started playing Fire Emblem, the pathetic idiocy of enemies defending castles struck me. A boss standing at the castle gates, just waiting for you to kill him. Castles have big reinforced doors! You could just stay inside and close the door! In many games such as FE4: Genealogy of the Holy War, … Continue reading Just close the door: Seizing castle shouldn’t be this easy.

Don’t manually format your code; use Astyle.

This is what computers are made for: automate boring, repetitive, simple tasks. Code formatting, indenting and beautifying is repetitive and long. Incredibly so. You should use automatic tools to perform this task. Unless you enjoy this task, in which case I suggest an amusing activity: repeatedly spilling water on the floor and cleaning it up, … Continue reading Don’t manually format your code; use Astyle.

AttackMap, MoveMap and DangerMap.

I've been programming a lot these past months, but behind the scenes things like changing the Entity-Compoenent-System and implementing unit tests. Today, finally! I have some progress that I can show. When the cursor hovers over any unit now (except if the cursor happens to be hovering on a unit upon initialization), the game can … Continue reading AttackMap, MoveMap and DangerMap.