All Build Systems Suck.

Cmake sucks. (GNU) make and its windows port mingw32-make suck. nmake sucks. ninja sucks. told me “Usage of cmake requires learning a new custom scripting language with very limited expressiveness.” They didn’t tell me that’s exactly the same for all build systems! Incomprehensible, cryptic, arcane bullshit nobody understands, as proven by the fact that no one can explain the basics properly! I’ve looked for good tutorials, none exist, all explanations are vague, ambiguous, useless! I love C, I hate C build systems. At least, C starts to make sense after a while!

Edit: I found one good tutorial on GNU make. GNU make still sucks, lacks basic features I expected, but at least now I have a better idea how to use it.

P.S. GCC does suck. The pdf manual has 1068 pages. 1000 AND MORE PAGES. I can’t believe how right my teachers were telling me that the most important part of any project is the documentation! I hope that one day I’ll write every single part of my game myself so that I can compile it with a simple compiler like tcc.

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