
This project

I am developing a Strategy RPG game strongly inspired by Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga. I specifically aim to capture the spirit of the older games created by Shouzou Kaga. Game title still pending. The repo is public at Gitlab.

This game is created using the free and open source (FOSS) Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library with the C programming language, version C99. I used to write this game in C++11, but I grew to appreciate the simplicity of C over the bloated, “Object Oriented” C++. SDL is not exactly a game engine, but gives tools to developers that can be used to create one. This lets the developer retain low-level control. This library was used to create many noteworthy games: Dwarf Fortress, FTL, Factorio, VVVVVV, N++… I use the GCC compiler suite, because FOSS tools are good. I bought the pixel art tool Aseprite even though I could have compiled it from source and used it for free. I paid for it, I swear! You can use it for free if you can compile it…


I am the Average Bear. I am not yet ready to reveal my name, so call me Gabinours.

I love strategy games, specifically older Fire Emblem games and TearRing Saga, but I also liked Disgaea DS, Luminous Arc and Advance Wars. Recently, I started to feel that programming is more productive than gaming. But programming for programming’s sake is boring. I gave myself this project so that I would stay interested in programming. As of February 2020, I’ve been working on this project during my free time for more than half a year! Turns out motivation for programming is easy to find when building something you actually care about… I prefer 2D animation over 3D in general, so this game is 2D.

I’m neither a programmer, nor an artist, but I’m learning about everything as I’m going.