Homemade Tilesets and Maps

I have just completed my first ever Map using homemade tiles! It is a very simple map that includes basic river tiles, forest tiles and mountain tiles. Also my first bridge! I think it looks pretty good! My greatest fear is that people mistake my tiles/maps for something out of Fire Emblem... To differentiate, I … Continue reading Homemade Tilesets and Maps

Introducing tnecs v1.0

My game makes use of an Entity-Component-System (ECS) It's a much better method of organizing data and functions than Object Oriented Programming (OOP) for videogames. For this purpose, I made use of free software libraries: entt at first for C++, then flecs for C99. My first impression of ECS as very complex in general was … Continue reading Introducing tnecs v1.0

All Build Systems Suck.

Cmake sucks. (GNU) make and its windows port mingw32-make suck. nmake sucks. ninja sucks. Suckless.org told me "Usage of cmake requires learning a new custom scripting language with very limited expressiveness." They didn't tell me that's exactly the same for all build systems! Incomprehensible, cryptic, arcane bullshit nobody understands, as proven by the fact that … Continue reading All Build Systems Suck.

“RNG abuse” is free will.

Gaming makes heavy use of pseudo-random number generation (RNG). In Fire Emblem, as in some other games, the random numbers determine the statistics upon level ups of your characters, determining their strengths and weaknesses. In older Fire Emblem Games, the state of the RNG is always recorded, even if the player does not save. Some … Continue reading “RNG abuse” is free will.

Gaming “Achievements” are creepy Skinner-Box bullshit that mess with your brain

In the modern world, companies, banks, the governments... and even our games use unethical methods that hack our monkey brains into acting in their interests. Companies want us to buy more of their products. They do everything in their power to make us consume more product. It is their nature, it is in their interests, … Continue reading Gaming “Achievements” are creepy Skinner-Box bullshit that mess with your brain